The image is taken in black and white. In the image, a black man is dancing with a black woman as a band is playing music in the background. The man is wearing a white polo shirt and white slacks, while the woman is wearing a dress with heels, has short hair, and has hoop earrings. A heavier black man is resting his backside on a billiards table with his arms folded, wearing a light shirt and a baseball hat. The windows are boarded with cloth draping down to the floor. There is a “P” painted on the wall to the right of the heavier man. The one band member is wearing a polo shirt, white slacks, black shoes, and is playing guitar. There are drums behind the dancing couple, and a speaker hanging from the ceiling.
The location does not appear to be that of a good one. The room appears to be made of concrete, with some form of liquid-based stains strewn along in various places. The location of the concrete room looks to be very worn down, as the windows have been boarded and the drapery being used looks like bed sheets put over a rope or a pole. The lighting in the room is probably dark, as a flash has clearly been used to get this image. The heavy man appears to have sweat and dirt stains on his shirt. He seems to be looking at the dancing couple, but in an emotionless way. The dancing couple could be a romantic couple, by the look on the dancing man’s face, he is looking enveloped with this woman. Her head, however, seems to be pointed towards the band. The way the dancing man is dressed and the band member in the back, it seems as if the dancing man could be a band member. Underneath the “P” on the wall, there seems to be aluminum foil going to the floor due to its shine.
There are lines formed by the billiards table to the left to the right, and the stage, for the right to the left/center. These two lines lead towards the dancing couple. If you follow the stage past the couple, it goes to the guitar player in the back. The pole on which the speaker is hanging forms a line down to the guitar player as well. The guitar player, the man on the billiards table (as well as the table), and the dancing couple form a triangle. There is a sense of balance and symmetry in the way the human figures are placed in the picture. The stark contrast in the clothing the people are wearing, to their skin type and the room itself is enhanced through the use of black and white in this photograph.
The location does not appear to be that of a good one. The room appears to be made of concrete, with some form of liquid-based stains strewn along in various places. The location of the concrete room looks to be very worn down, as the windows have been boarded and the drapery being used looks like bed sheets put over a rope or a pole. The lighting in the room is probably dark, as a flash has clearly been used to get this image. The heavy man appears to have sweat and dirt stains on his shirt. He seems to be looking at the dancing couple, but in an emotionless way. The dancing couple could be a romantic couple, by the look on the dancing man’s face, he is looking enveloped with this woman. Her head, however, seems to be pointed towards the band. The way the dancing man is dressed and the band member in the back, it seems as if the dancing man could be a band member. Underneath the “P” on the wall, there seems to be aluminum foil going to the floor due to its shine.
There are lines formed by the billiards table to the left to the right, and the stage, for the right to the left/center. These two lines lead towards the dancing couple. If you follow the stage past the couple, it goes to the guitar player in the back. The pole on which the speaker is hanging forms a line down to the guitar player as well. The guitar player, the man on the billiards table (as well as the table), and the dancing couple form a triangle. There is a sense of balance and symmetry in the way the human figures are placed in the picture. The stark contrast in the clothing the people are wearing, to their skin type and the room itself is enhanced through the use of black and white in this photograph.
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