This is a picture of a cow peeking over its fence, presumably in its pen. The cow has a very distinct "deer in headlights" look about it. In its eyes there seems to be a feeling of some type of wild or naked fear. Were cows a more serious looking animal, the picture would probably by very frightening, but they are not. This still does not stop the photograph from conveying what can be percieved as the cow's sense of fear, and while the picture isn't frightening, it can make the viewer feel mildly uncomfortable. In the back, green trees and blue sky can be seen. This can be interpreted as the photographer making a statement about the cow's conditions in captivity and in that pen, that they are detrimental to it, and that it should be roaming free with the nature behind it, or maybe the photographer just saw a funny face on the thing and had to get a shot of it. Who knows.
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