Monday, April 7, 2008

Home Proposal

The association one makes about the word Home can have almost endless possibilities. Home can mean people and love to some and possessions to others or a combination of all. It could also take a different approach and explore a more spiritual meaning of the word Home.

A place of worship can be a place of comfort, refuge, peace and love for many; those are all words I would use to describe Home. Further associations with places of worship are birth, baptism, involvement, community and a final resting spot. I feel this series could take many different avenues one involving the spiritual feeling of the structure, its members and their association to religion and God. Another focus could be on the actual structure or items inside and out; the baptismal water, stained glass windows, the pews and alter. Some people feel that when they finally get the end of their life they are going home, home to see loved ones that have left before them, home to meet their God or their Creator. The pictures could be arranged in an almost chronological order, birth to death, giving attention to be respectful of the subject matter.

Another route I would prefer to explore would be that Home is the people in your life. (This is contingent upon being able to borrow the light kit several times) If I can make the arrangements to borrow the light kit from school I would like to take portraits of those in my life that make up my home. To me personally Home is not a place, the place is unimportant, it’s the people and a feeling of love where ever you are. That is Home to me. Experiment with portraits that would somehow show he essence of he person. I would like to explore indoor lighting. Use of different backdrops High Key with white and Low Key with black can also be explored. -NJO

1 comment:

Anita Allyn said...

Lovely writing.
I'm adding this comment---
extend beyond the portrait--- use environment and person to evoke their personalities... see
Francesca Woodman: