Monday, April 28, 2008

Political Response

super late, i know

O.J. Simpson
1995: 6 years old
This is the first thing I remember that has to do with anything political... but all I remember is that O.J. became a bit of a punchline about getting away with something. It didn't affect me otherwise.

Columbine H.S.
1999: 10 years old
I remember this really distinctly. My parents were freaked out and I didn't really get it, but I still knew it was important and scary. The next time I was doodling, i decided to draw something related to Columbine, and I drew this picture of my brother's hat, with a bullet hole, on a table, blood dripping down to the floor where a gun layed. If I had any abilities, it would have been a pretty scary picture, but it looks like hell.

Bush's first election
2000: 11 years old
This was a pretty big deal to me... I was very much for Bush, and very much against anything that was involved with Clinton (thanks to my parents' distaste). My school did the whole mock vote thing also, and I remember being a smug little bastard when he had officially won, because my class was probably about 85% for Gore. More than feeling like I won, I felt that I was "right", and it was nice to be "smarter" than the other kids who picked the "wrong" candidate. Looking back, I think I was really just choosing who I thought would win, so that I could look smart.

2001: 12 years old
My mom came and picked me up first. I was more freaked out about it at the time because my mom was too scared to understand me when I asked if my dad was working there, because he used to get around a good amount for work. We picked up my 2 brothers, and our neighbors (one guy and one girl). We drove home, and all of the guys thought it was great; a day off of school! We went home and played Battleship as out of the corner of our eye the buildings were going down. I saw it all happen, and if I really wanted I could have seen the building's smoke from my town. My mom told me years later that she was convinced we were going to die that day.

War on Terror/Iraq
2001-present: 12-present
It has been me against everyone I know when it comes to this war. I feel that this is the kind of thing that should have happened. If you'd like to hear more, just ask, but I've had this argument too many times to think that I can fit it into one blog post.

2008 Presidential Election
2008: will be 19
This is my first election, and I'm very excited to vote in it. I feel like I have some small degree of power and I'm really pumped up to contribute to the candidate I decide to vote for. I'm undecided right now though.

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