Sunday, May 11, 2008

Review of Sean's website

The header portion of each page contains links to the home, projects, bio and contact pages, and remains consistent from page to page. This keeps all the essential links in one place, making navigation easy and intuitive. Design is consistent and very simple, utilizing a standard black on white color scheme, and sans serif fonts. All of the imagery on the site is well organized and relevant to the content. There is a thumbnail in the header that is different at each page visited, as well as previews for each project on the "projects" page, a more in-depth preview of the "Fear and Loathing in Asbury Park" project on the homepage, and a nice postcard graphic on the contact page. The images from each project are organized into separate flash galleries that are accessed from the projects page. This works well and is an appropriate way to view the work, although there is no space left for descriptions of the individual images. In fact, my only problem with the site is that the description for project two is on the homepage, which is somewhat confusing and separates it from the rest of the project. The description itself, however, is interesting and well written, providing a historical background on the area, a description of the town's current state, and a poem. The bio page is very sparse, with only two sentences and an accompanying photo, but I think that this works well, complimenting the minimalist aesthetic of the rest of the website, something that is also reflected in much of Sean's work.

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