Monday, April 14, 2008

Project Three: Home

The fundamental difference between a house and a home is the source of comfort a house provides. While brainstorming for project three, I asked many of my friends and family about one object/thing/idea they could not leave the house without. Many said their phones, wallets, ipods. I then specified my question to: if you were moving away from the house you grew up in, what would you take to remind you of home? Many responded in a manner that shows that this is something they have thought about before because many are in their first year of school and had to go through the process of moving not too long ago. One of my friends said they could not leave their house without an escape plan, another said her favorite Cat Stevens album and my sister said her family. Another asked if it was possible to bring a smell. For me, I could never move away without Moby Dick. Many of the responses I received translated into a person's prized possesion, their source of comfort and their source of security. It makes me wonder how objects can have so much power over an individual, the epitome of this being a house. Without a house, you don't have much. America places so much emphasis on "stuff" and housing your "stuff." Without emotional attachments, one's possessions would basically mean nothing. In my series, I would like to attempt to capture the intimacy of a person and their "object." Because a Cat Stevens album may not mean much to anyone else, but to someone, it can mean home.

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