Monday, April 28, 2008

Political Events and My Lifee

Neither of my parents have adamant political agendas, and so politics have never played a huge part in my life. As I have come to know something about them from friends and high school/college, I've just strengthened my belief that our government is incredibly corrupt, and I want no part in it. However, there have been a few events that have affected me, as well as contributed to this belief.

1995- 6 years old- the O.J. Simpson Trial. This case was the first time I was introduced to how corrupt our government and judicial systems are, as well as the materialism of the majority of Americans. I knew OJ was a bad man who killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend, because I knew he had special Italian shoes (a fact I announced proudly, being 100% Italian.) When he was found not guilty, I was so angry, and I knew it was because he had a lot of money, being famous. This made me very angry and disgusted at my country.

2001- 12 years old- September 11th. I was sitting in English class when my teacher was called out of the classroom. She came back in holding back tears, and told us all that the Twin Towers had been hit. I live about 20 minutes from the city, and as I walked through the halls, kids whose parents worked there were clustered together calling to see if they were okay. Quite a number of students lost parents that day, and I for every anniversary since, it's always such a fragile time in school, and everyone gathers for those students. I got picked up early that day, and my mom was so scared that we weren't safe- my family all just held each other on our couch watching tv.

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